How PFPE Performance Lubricants Solve Automotive Design Challenges

How PFPE Performance Lubricants Solve Automotive Design Challenges

Heightened consumer expectations, more stringent regulatory requirements and evolving technology require automotive engineers to be creative in facing the challenges of today's vehicle designs.

While some engineers and manufacturers look to industrial lubricants as solutions to specific engineering problems in the testing and production phases, performance lubricants actually play a critical role in the overall design process.

Perfluoropolyether (PFPE) lubricants provide a deft solution to complex challenges including extreme temperature and pressure conditions, severe shock loading, and harsh chemical exposure.

High-performance PFPE lubricants improve performance in many ways, reducing bearing failure, extending reliable valve life, keeping seals in place and protected to reduce noise, vibration and acoustic harshness (NVH) or automotive noise (BSR) such as buzzing, squeaking and rattling.

Download our eBook, Leading the Automotive Lubricant Market, to learn more about how Norbert® lubricants are the reliable choice of global automakers for chemical stability, performance, compatibility with a wide range of materials and more.