Lubricating waxes and wax emulsions from Norbert Lubricants

Norbert Lubricants' specially designed industrial lubricating waxes and wax emulsions provide easy-to-treat surfaces while effectively protecting your components from wear and corrosion. Depending on the lubrication application, full life lubrication is possible in many cases, saving unnecessary labor costs.

What are industrial lubricating waxes and wax emulsions?

Lubricating waxes are not fundamentally solid lubricants. They form a dry-to-the-touch lubricating layer on the surface of a part to ensure reliable lubrication while reducing boundary and mixed friction. Their composition is composed of polymeric synthetic hydrocarbons, additives and oils (mineral oil, synthetic hydrocarbons).

Wax emulsions, unlike lubricating waxes, are water-based and contain emulsifiers. The evaporation of water leaves a film firmly adhered to the surface.

It is important to understand that waxes become liquid at certain temperatures. The melting point depends on the composition and the ratio of the wax.

Lubricating wax - reliable protection of chains and other components against wear and corrosion

Dry lubrication with one of our special industrial lubricants offers many advantages. Grease usually adheres easily to dust and dirt, while wax lubrication provides a much cleaner surface. Depending on the product, low-temperature applications often require no other additives to use wax on polished surfaces.

Lubricating waxes provide effective protection against wear and corrosion in applications such as ropes and chains.  The right special lubricant can significantly simplify the assembly of small parts, for example by reducing resistance and allowing bolts, sleeves or rivets to be easily pressed into fixtures.

Our lubricating waxes also prevent hinges from making sharp sounds and ensure smooth operation of industrial components in frictional contact.

Wax Emulsions - Cost-effective Lubrication Solutions for Large-Scale Coatings

Wax emulsions are particularly suitable for the simultaneous automatic lubrication of large numbers of small parts. They can be easily applied to industrial components by spraying or dip coating. With the right emulsified wax, you can quickly coat screws and bolts, rivets, pins, seals, sliding surfaces or insert connections, and most importantly very economically. The integrated UV indicator allows effective post-application quality control of the coating.


  • Clean and dry lubrication: makes the surface easy to handle and neither dust nor dirt can adhere to the surface.
  • Excellent lubricity: reduces wear due to boundary friction
  • Reliable anti-corrosion properties
  • High-end solutions: industry-specific technology, high-performance testing devices
  • Products available worldwide